I have 13 years of experience in identifying animal bones from archaeological sites and have produced faunal reports for universities and commercial units on animal bones from the Bronze Age to the post-medieval period.
In 2015, I completed my Ph.D. which enabled me to explore my interest in faunal remains from the modern era (AD 1500-1900). I have since established an International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) working group focusing on the zooarchaeology of the modern era. https://alexandriaarchive.org/icaz/workmodernera
Throughout my archaeological career I have held positions at the University of Leicester, Albion Archaeology and more recently the Museum of London Archaeology, where I worked as a Finds and Environmental Project Officer and provided zooarchaeological reports.
Services provided:
All things zooarchaeology related!
Want to know what I am up to? Follow me on Twitter @bonesandantlers